General Requirements:
1. Two (2) copies of letter of intent
2. Application Form (Two Copies)
CSH Program must contain the following:
1. Name of the person who prepared the program (indicate if accredited by DOLE as OSH Practitioner)
2. Project Description
a. Specific name of the project
b. Location of the project
c. Project classification
d. Project owner
e. Name of the main contractor
f. Estimated number of the workers to be deployed
g. Estimated start of execution/duration of the project
3. Company Safety & Health Policy written on a company letterhead duly signed by highest company official or representative who has over-all control of the project
4. Management/owner’s commitment to comply with the safety and health policy
5. Composition of the Safety and Health Committee (specify the proposed structure and names of members)
6. Names of site safety (Safety Officer) and health (First Aider, OH Nurse, Physician, etc) personnel
7. Specific duties and responsibilities of the Safety Officer
8. Specific provisions on the following
a. On-site safety and health promotion and continuing information dissemination
b. Accident and incident investigation and reporting
c. Protection of the general public within the vicinity of the construction site
d. Environmental control
e. Guarding of hazardous machinery
f. Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)
g. Handling of hazardous substances
h. General materials handling and storage
i. Worker’s skills and certification (for critical occupation) NCII for Electrician, Heavy Equipment Driver, Welder, Scaffolder, etc.
j. Provisions for transportation facilities for workers in case of emergency
k. Temporary fire protection facilities and equipment
l. First aid and health care medicines, equipment and facilities
m. Worker’s welfare facilities/ Rest Areas
n. COVID-19 Safety Protocol based on Department Order 39-20 of DPWH (w/ Signature of the Highest Rank of the company)
o. Proposed hours of work and rest breaks
p. Construction waste disposal
q. Testing and inspection of construction heavy equipment
r. Disaster and emergency preparedness contingency plan
9. Standard Operating Procedure and Job Hazard Analysis for the following activities and other hazardous works to be performed:
a. Site clearing
b. Excavations
c. Erection, use and dismantling of scaffolds and other temporary working platforms
d. Temporary electrical connections
e. Working at unprotected elevated working platforms or surfaces
f. Use of power tools and equipments
g. Use of hand tools
h. Use of internal combustion engine
i. Gas and electric welding and cutting operations
j. Working in confined spaces
k. Handling hazardous and/or toxic chemical substances
l. Use of mechanized lifting appliances for movement of materials
m. Use of construction heavy equipment
n. Installation, use and dismantling of hoist and elevators
o. Demolition
10. Penalties/ sanctions for violation of the provision of SH Program
1.Photocopy of registration forms:
a. Rule 1020 of the OSHS (including sub-contractor/s)
b. PCAB License (including sub-contractor/s)
2. Photocopy of Notice of Award/Project Contract/Purchase Order/Bill of Materials
3. Photocopy of certificate of completion on required training for designated OSH Personnel
a. Safety Officer - Construction Safety and Health Training (COSH)
b. First Aider - Standard First Aid Training with valid PNRC ID
c. OH Nurse - BOSH Training for OH Nurse (OHNAP)
d. OH Physician (Basic Course on Occupational Medicine) (PCOM)
4. Certificate of Inspection and Testing of CHE by DOLE accredited testing organization (If any)
5. Skills Certificate of CHE operators issued by TESDA (If any)
6. Contract with nearby hospital/clinic in lieu of the required infirmary hospital (If any)
7. Construction Schedule or Gannt Chart (w/ signature of Safety Officer and Manager)
8. Work Methodology or HIRAC (w/ signature of Safety Officer and Manager)
9. Manpower Utilization Schedule (w/ signature of Project Owner and Contractor)
10. Equipment Utilization Schedule (w/ signature of Project Owner and Contractor)
a. Lease agreement contract for rental of heavy equipment
11. Screenshot of Online Tesda Verification for the attached NCII’s (
12. If with Sub-contractor, provide sub-contracting agreement contract.