For Local Government Units (LGUs), National Government Agencies (NGAs) & State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)
1. Application letter duly signed by the authorized official addressed to the DOLE Regional Director;
2. Project Proposal indicating the equity, which is duly approved/signed by the authorized officials;
- objectives of the project;
- project management committee;
- project partners, if any;
- list of intended beneficiaries and their addresses;
- project duration and target dates of completion;
- detailed project costs including the equity of the ACP of at least 20% of the total project cost; and
other potential or actual sources of project funds.
3. For LGUs and SUCs, Board or Sangguniang Bayan (SB) Resolution authorizing an official to enter into a MOA to avail of DOLE livelihood program;
4. Individual beneficiary profile with picture and Proponent profile;
5. Beneficiaries’ Certification of Non-coverage to PantawidPamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps) issued by DSWD (except for the parent of child laborers);
6. For LGUs, City/Provincial/Municipal, copy of the portion on their Local Development Plan referring to Labor and Employment/Social Services, with detailed estimates of the approved project expenditures or estimated expenses;
7. Copy of Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) for Cities, Municipalities and Provincial Governments;
8. Certification issued by the authorized official designating a Focal Person to coordinate and transact with DOLE in the availment of program and services; and
9. To be submitted prior to the release of fund:
MOA between DOLE and the project partner
You may send your requirements via email or personally appear before our office.